Sorry, but I’m too busy right now to write a ‘proper’ New Year’s Resolution update. I’m getting bored with the whole concept too. Twenty minutes till the official end of the day though – so I might just squeeze in a mini-update so I can feel I’ve stuck to the program. To some degree anyway…
(1) Sugar free challenge (apart from wine) – Not good. I found an open box of Lindt chocolates one night after drinking wine, (which of course drastically reduces one’s will-power) so I scoffed what was left in the box. Which was about four of those scrumptious round balls. God, they tasted good. FAIL.
(2) Not to play I-Phone Games – No Good. I couldn’t sleep one night so downloaded Spider Solitaire on to my I-phone at 2am and played that for about half an hour. And I haven’t deleted it yet either. FAIL
(3) To tidy my office before the end of March – Not yet. But I still have time. An easy TICK for this one.
(4) To go to the gym at least 3 times a week – YES!!! I have a new trainer who I have to meet twice a week at the gym and this is fabulous. I’m going to introduce you to Ross tomorrow. Plus I did three spin classes and have lost half a kilo. I think it was the Lindt balls that did it. TICK.
(5) To NEVER smoke another cigarette again – I actually felt like one this week for the first time in ages. On several occasions. I think it has something to do with stress????? But I remained strong and did NOT smoke. Big TICK.
Overall, checking the scorecard – that’s three ticks out of five at the end of week six. Not brilliant, but hey, I’m only human after all…
Well done Jen and more so with the no smoking. Wish I had that much will power. Bron xxx
Thanks Bron, Just wish after all this time I still didn’t have moments when I WANTED to smoke!! At least I can say it is SO much easier know than the first few months. Those days are now few and far between – thank God!! Keep trying – you’ll get there! 🙂 xxx