Advice for Elon Musk – and why you should (and shouldn’t) buy a TESLA

Buying a new car is a major decision for most people – including myself. After much consideration and taking climate change into account, I went off to Chadstone in 2020 to test drive the Model 3 Tesla. An electric vehicle is the way of the future – right? Great for the planet and this car was winning rave reviews.

Tesla display vehicle at Chadstone in 2020

It’s a beautiful looking machine and absolutely YES – it drives like a dream. The idea of never having to visit a petrol station again and deal with the increasing price of fuel was also very appealing. Not to mention the comfort features, touchscreen controls, an automatic phone charging console and no car-keys required – it’s all run through an App on your I-phone.

After one test drive, I was sold. Three months later, my dream car arrived. It’s been everything I had hoped for and more. I was starting to sound like a car salesperson when chatting with friends and should have earned a commission from TESLA for all the glowing reviews I delivered.

Then less than a year later – a horrific out-of-the-blue accident that’s turned into an ongoing nightmare. I was driving home from a shopping trip (ironically at Chadstone) with my daughter in a straight line down North Road this happened:

Accident on January 17 this year