Apologies, dear Readers…. a Blogging respite is required

Dear Reader,

Thank you for following my stories over the past couple of years – it’s been a hoot! And this is not really a farewell – rather an ‘au revoir’ – meaning ‘until later’.

Cracked by Clare Strachan

Cracked by Clare Strachan

You see, last week I attended two book launches and was very proud to see these extremely talented women, who I am privileged to call friends, stand up and make speeches about their books.

And yes, you should buy and read both. The first I went to was for Clare Strachan, launching her book for young adults – CRACKED – and the second was for my step-sister Sian Prior, for her book – SHY – a memoir.

They are very different books, but both beautifully written and engaging. I am not going to attempt to give you a book review as much has already been written in the media that does the books better justice than I could.

Shy by Sian Prior

Shy by Sian Prior

For Sian’s book, for example, see these links to read more:

Age (Saturday) review
Sunday Age review
Readings review
Booktopia review
Struggling to write...

Struggling to write…

But at these book launches, it hit me like a tonne of bricks…. If I didn’t slow down and pay more attention to my OWN novel, it will never see the light of day.

I watched the movie ‘JOBS’ – about Steve Job’s life – the other day and one quote struck a chord and stayed with me:

‘Be as simple as you can be. You will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life will become.’

And so that is what I am going to do. You see, now that I’m working at smoothfm, on the Mike Perso More Music Breakfast Show, the time I spend on creative writing has become even more limited. And precious.

Hence something has to give. And it turns out the Blog is that thing.

So until I can’t help myself and HAVE to write to you about something, I am signing off until this book is finished. THEN I will really have something to write about!


12 thoughts on “Apologies, dear Readers…. a Blogging respite is required

  1. Good luck with your book Jennifer. My husband is a writer, so I understand the need to spend time working on your book. It really is work, and you need to be able to put all your time to it. I’m glad you aren’t saying goodbye, just au revoir. I look forward to the time when you can blog again.

  2. AU REVOIR from Bella Thank you so much for your efforts over the past couple of years with your blogs. Thanks to you I have holidayed along the Great Ocean Road area, cleaned my home office, attended a brilliant function at the Prince in St Kilda one valentines evening, changed my make up routine to new creams and altered how I eat. You have been an inspiration Good luck in your new endeavors and again a BIG THANK YOU

    • Thank you, Bella! Wow, I had no idea I had such an influence! I am delighted to have helped you along the way and very much appreciate your kinds words. I hope I’ll be back blogging again before too long, but in the meantime, a BIG ‘thank you’ right back atcha! 🙂

  3. Congratulations Jen!

    I know this decision has been a difficult one but (as your editor!:-)) I’m really happy that we’re going to develop your beautiful novel manuscript.


    • Thanks Ann. Fingers crossed I will have the novel finished in record time and will be blogging about my OWN book launch before too long!
      I also look forward to blogging about YOUR novel one day in hopefully the not-too-far-distant future. xx

  4. Terrific! Whilst we will miss your very entertaining blogs I look forward to reading your book! So hurry up and get it finished, and please come back to blogging soon. Thank You for inspiring us …… eating, dieting, dressing, teenagers and even husbands! Ciao Bella x

    • Thanks so much for your wonderful support – much appreciated! I will do my best to get those fingers tapping double-time on the keyboard to get the novel done. xxx

  5. Oh dear!! I love your blogs and will miss learning about products, diet and your life! I enjoyed having 10 minutes away from everything to be with you! Miss you already and I’m sure we shall see something soon from you. Xx

    • It’s funny – even today I came across two stories I’d really like to blog about but they will have to wait… Thanks for your lovely comments and support. Will do my best to get back to blogging ASAP. xxx

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