To have and to hold – or not?

Thinking, thinking...

Thinking, thinking…

Writing a book is a bit like a pregnancy.

Often you think about it for quite a while before you get on with it.

Then there’s the long gestation period, the hard work you put in trying to make it the best it can be, and finally, the long-awaited arrival of your carefully nurtured baby.



Birth of a book

Birth of a book

With the actual birth, there can be debate about the best way for this to happen. A c-section or a natural birth? An epidural or go natural?

Likewise with publishing, there are also plenty of options. However, it’s becoming more difficult to have a book produced in hard copy – REAL PAPER –  with publishers unwilling to take risks on untested authors.


\With the eBook business booming, it would seem more and more established publishing houses are moving with the times and looking to the internet for success. Whether you like the book or not, E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey made it’s incredible leap to the top of global best-seller lists – selling more than 125 million copies worldwide – starting off life as an eBook.

Of course authors have choices. If you can’t find a publisher, you can always opt to self-publish – whether it be hard-copy or online.

Making Headlines

Making Headlines

For myself, while I’d love a hard-copy version of my own book MAKING HEADLINESto have and to hold – it seems for the moment, I’m going to be marching forth into the world as a new author – waving the PLATFORM PILGRIM flag.

(Thanks to my ever-encouraging writer friend Lisa Bigelow for coming up with that innovative tagline!)

Yes, thanks to Harper Collins Publishing, I am about to become a Platform Pilgrim. My eBook will be launched on Thursday, February 4. And that’s because I would much prefer my book be given the tick of approval from a recognised publisher that has a wonderful heritage as Australia’s oldest and one of the most respected companies in the business, than do this on my own.

Sure, in the long run I’d love nothing more than to have a REAL book in my hands – but for the moment, I still consider my eBook to be an achievement of which to be proud.

And LOOK, it’s already listed on the Harper Collins website and you can pre-order!!!

Harper Collins website

Harper Collins website

Yep, and it even costs less than a cup of coffee!!

My biggest dilemma with becoming a Platform Pilgrim was deciding whether to host a book launch or not. Would people think it was over-the-top and silly – given they couldn’t leave with a signed copy of the tome itself?

In the end, after much debate with Fletch and friends, I have decided to go ahead and have a party. After all, it’s the end of a VERY long and arduous road and I think I deserve to celebrate my baby’s birth.

Harper Collins have also kindly agreed to provide ‘Book Samplers’ on the night of the launch, so guests WILL leave with a couple of chapters in a small printed mini-book, as a taste of what’s to come in the novel. So yes, there will be REAL PAPER given out on the night.

It’s taken many years AND tears to finish MAKING HEADLINES and I am so delighted and relieved that it is finally making its way into the world. All up, it’s more than eight years since I started thinking about this project. Now that’s one helluva long pregnancy.

Bring on the champagne!

A champagne moment

A champagne moment




4 thoughts on “To have and to hold – or not?

  1. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hard cover, soft cover, or e book. It’s a CREATION. More movies were watched on tablets last year than every cinema screen in the world combined, and more books are consumed digitally than could be imagined.

    Your creation took no less effort than that of one with paper around it on a shelf, and can actually be enjoyed now by infinitely more people, even though it’s nice to have and to hold as you say.

    Well done !

  2. A huge congratulations Jen. You deserve every success in the world with this amazing accomplishment!
    I am going onto Harper Collins now to pre order. xxx

  3. Congratulations Jen darling – you finished AND you’re published!! There’s no finer feeling! Re the platform: stories have always managed to find their way in a changing world and they will continue to do so, whatever the ‘form’. So launch away – and here’s to a long and beautiful life for ‘Making Headlines’!!xxxx

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