A Winter Wonderland – Partying in the snow at Riva

Being the long weekend, I decided to take a day off like everyone else. Instead of slaving over an opinion piece, I thought I’d relax and put up a picture essay instead. And that’s because Fletch did all the hard work, taking shots at the Riva Snow Party last night and they’ve come up a treat.

Full credit to Riva owner Drewe Bellmaine who organised a brilliant night. Using a wonderful collection of props, he created a magical winter wonderland with REAL snow from snow machines, inflatable igloos, giant snowmen and icy cocktails – all making for a sensational party. Guests dressed appropriately in ski gear and there were also a couple of snow bunnies hopping about. Just like being in Aspen without having to go anywhere. Take a peek!

Riva owner Drewe Bellmaine (centre) and mates

Riva owner Drewe Bellmaine (centre) and mates

An ice-filled fountain - the perfect way to keep your beer chilled...

An ice-filled fountain – the perfect way to keep your beer chilled…

Fletch, Ross Wilson, Kasia Z, me, Seph McKenna and Tania Gogos-Wilson

Fletch, Ross Wilson, Kasia Z, me, Seph McKenna and Tania Gogos-Wilson huddle up to stay warm…

We danced under a giant disco ball and a flurry of real snow...

Then we danced under a giant disco ball and a flurry of real snow…

Nick Gianoppolous, Jessica Barclay and Hayden Burbank

Nick Giannopoulos, Jessica Barclay and Hayden Burbank enjoyed the cocktails…

Wilbur Wilde was seriously impressed by the giant disco ball...

While Wilbur Wilde was seriously impressed by the giant disco ball…

Riva owner Drewe Bellmaine (centre) had no trouble keeping warm...

Riva owner Drewe Bellmaine (centre) had no trouble keeping warm…

A reindeer family watched on, fascinated...

A reindeer family watched on, fascinated…

Matching snow bunnies

There were even matching snow bunnies…

Amanda and Francine Mazzeo, owner of DQ Vodka

Amanda and Francine Mazzeo, owner of DQ Vodka help keep the cocktails flowing…

DQ Vodka model Tegan Nixon

As did DQ Vodka model Tegan Nixon…

Loving Jason's glitter-ball helmet reflecting the sparkling lights decorating the palm trees

I fell in love with Jason’s glitter-ball helmet reflecting the blue sparkling lights…

Rachel and Katelyn Watkins

Rachel and Katelyn Watkins kept warm with ear muffs and gloves…

Nick Giannopoulos, me and Seph McKenna

Expresso martinis went down well for Nick Giannopoulos, myself and Seph McKenna…

Hayden Burbank (far right) and friends

While Hayden Burbank (far right) and friends tucked in to the blue daiquiris…

Me and my photographer, Fletch

Big thanks to my photographer and ski instructor Fletch and Frosty!

So you can see why I needed a day off. That was one helluva weekend…


2 thoughts on “A Winter Wonderland – Partying in the snow at Riva

    • Thanks Tania – glad you had a great night. Thanks too for the feedback on the photos – will pass on your compliment to Fletch! xx

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