My new job at smoothfm

I’m good at keeping other people’s secrets but not so much my own. Which is why the past few weeks have been difficult – knowing it was likely I’d be starting a new career path very shortly and not being able to tell many people about it.

Thank goodness all was signed and sealed last Friday and then just yesterday, the lovely Luke Dennehy from the Sunday Herald Sun, ran this piece in the Confidential column, explaining all…

Luke Dennehy's piece in the Sunday Herald Sun

Luke Dennehy’s piece in the Sunday Herald Sun

That sent off a wonderful chain of events, resulting in a busy day for myself on Twitter and Facebook and answering all manner of texts and emails. How lucky am I to have so many friends and associates who sent on all those fantastic messages of support! Thank you everyone!

To add to the above article, I would like to say that, yes, it has been great to work on other creative projects over the past few years, but lately I have also been missing that buzz you get from being involved in day-to-day news. So this opportunity at smoothfm couldn’t have come at a better time.

I love the immediacy of radio and the frequency of the updates at Smooth, means I’ll be bringing listeners the most up-to-date information possible. I’ll also be working alongside Mike Perso who’s extremely experienced and I’m sure will help me through my L-plates phase on-air, so that’s very reassuring.

I’m replacing the lovely Pip Mooney, who is leaving to spend more time with her young family and take on a new role as Media and Communications Manager for Lifeview Residential. Good luck, Pip! You’ve left big shoes to fill…

It really feels like this job is ‘meant to be’. My first official day on air will be March 31st which is exactly the same date I started at Ten many years ago, so I think that’s a good omen. I’ve honestly been a Smooth listener for some time now so to be offered a job with them is just fantastic.  I love the music they play and the positive vibe that Smooth generates.

I’m not normally an early morning person, so that will present a few challenges I’m sure, but I’m so excited to be starting this job that, for the first time in my life, I’ll be looking forward to getting up early!

There are also a couple of other bonuses. One – I won’t have to make school lunches anymore. YAY!

No more news hair!!

No more news hair!!

And Two – I won’t have to wear a full-face of heavy make-up and worry about a single strand of hair being out of place while I deliver the news in the morning. Phew.

That doesn’t mean I’ll be any less professional in my news delivery. It’ll just be easier wearing a ponytail!

So tune in on Thursday when Pip is going to guide me through my first on-air radio news delivery and then I’ll be taking over solo from NEXT Monday.

And I’ll keep you updated here with how I’m faring with those early starts… Wish me luck!


10 thoughts on “My new job at smoothfm

  1. Congratulations Jen , all the girls and clients of RNS will be listening. We never change the dial from Smooth …
    Best of luck ! Melanie

  2. Great news Jennifer. I listen to Smooth every morning and it really does put me in a calm mood for the day. Good luck – but I am sure you won’t need it. You were a great newsreader at 10 and you will be outstanding at Smooth – despite the early morning starts 🙂

    • Thanks so much for the vote of confidence, Patricia! Pip Mooney does such a great job – I hope I can continue delivering such seamless broadcasts. And survive those early starts!! 🙂

  3. WOW Jen, a HUGE congrats!!! Fantastic news and its so exciting starting a new venture 🙂
    All the best, although I’m sure you’ll breeze through it!
    Margot xx

    • Thanks, Margot! Yes, it is exciting. A lot of new technology to master but I’ll get there. Good for the grey matter to be challenged!! Thanks for the vote of confidence. xx

    • Thanks, Tina! It is indeed a great radio station. As I said in the blog, I really am a smooth listener too, so thrilled I am joining the team. xxx

    • Thanks, Kate! Lovely to have your support and I hope I live up to expectations! There’s a lot to learn, but Pip Mooney is doing a wonderful job, showing me the ropes. Looking forward to when it all feels familiar! xx

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